country_code, available_feed, available_grass, scenario,
kcals_per_head_meat_dict, constants_inputs = None
Calculates the total number of milk-bearing animals in the population.
- ndarray : An array containing the total number of milk-bearing animals for each month
Main functionalities: CountryData is a class that represents data for a specific country in the food system model. It contains fields for various data points such as slaughter hours, homekill hours, and meat output. The class has methods for setting livestock unit factors, calculating homekill hours, and calculating total slaughter hours.
Methods: - init(self, country_name): initializes the CountryData object with the given country name and sets various fields to empty lists or 0.
LSU conversion factors for the country based on the given dataframes.
- homekill_desperation_parameters(self): sets the homekill fraction and other death homekill rate.
- calculate_homekill_hours(self): calculates the number of hours required to slaughter homekill animals. the given list.
Fields: - country_name: the name of the country. - slaughter_hours: a list of total slaughter hours for each month. - homekill_hours_total_month: a list of total homekill hours for each month. - homekill_hours_budget: a list of budgeted homekill hours for each month. - meat_output: a list of meat output for each month. - small_slaughter_hours: the number of small animal slaughter hours for the country. - medium_slaughter_hours: the number of medium animal hours for the country. - large_slaughter_hours: the number of large animal hours for the country. - EK_region: the FAO region for the country. - LSU_conversion_factors: a dictionary of livestock unit conversion factors for the country.
df_country_info, df_regional_conversion_factors
Requires inputs of the country info dataframe, and the regional conversion factors dataframe df_regional_conversion_factors dataframe contains the conversion factors for the LSU for each animal type, based on ther region. And the other, df_country_info contains the mapping from the country to the region.
Country Name needs to be the index of the df_country_info dataframe
Function to calculate the number of hours required to slaughter the homekill animals.
Probably unneccesary, but could be sueful to ibnterogate the number of salughter hours to compare between countries.
Not required for the program to work (and not called)
animal_type, animal_species
Class to store animal population data in. Needs to store the following: animal type, population, and slaughter.
animal_type : str Type of animal (beef, pork, chicken etc...) population : int Number of animals (total) slaughter : int Number of animals slaughtered this month pregnant : int Number of animals pregnant this month starving : int Number of animals starving this month feed_balance : int Amount of feed required this month nutrition_ratio : object Object containing the nutrition ratio for the animal type
population, slaughter, animal_function, livestock_unit, digestion_type,
animal_size, approximate_feed_conversion, digestion_efficiency_grass = 0.6,
digestion_efficiency_feed = 0.8, carb_requirement = -1, protein_requirement = -1,
fat_requirement = -1
productive_milk_age_start, productive_milk_age_end,
insemination_cycle_time_for_milk, milk_production_per_month_per_head = None
Function to calculate the number of retiring milk animals per month
gestation, other_animal_death_rate_annual, animals_per_pregnancy,
animal_slaughter_hours, change_in_slaughter_rate,
pregnant_animal_slaughter_fraction, reduction_in_animal_breeding,
target_population_fraction, starvation_death_fraction,
Function to set the attributes of the animal species that are related to slaughter
gestation : int gestation period in months
annual death rate of animals
number of animals per pregnancy
hours per animal spent slaughtering
0.5 = half of animals slaughtered
animals are attempted to be slaughtered, 0.5 = half of pregnant animals
1 = no reduction, 0.5 = half of animals are bred
= target population is equal to the iniitla population, 0 = targetting to kill all animals
population or head imported from other countries
Function to calculate the total homekill per month.
total_homekill : int the total homekill per month
Function to calculate the number of births exported from the animal population.
exported_births : int the number of births exported from the animal population
Function to calculate the total net energy required per month for the species
Function to calculate the total net energy required per month for the species
This function resets the feed balance to the feed required per month for the species Needs to be run before feeding the animals each month.
grass_input, feed_input, is_ruminant = False
Objective: - The objective of the 'append_month_zero' method is to append the baseline values of various attributes of the animal species to their respective lists. These values will be used as a reference point for future calculations.
Inputs: - The method takes no external inputs. It uses the instance variables of the class 'AnimalSpecies' to calculate and append the baseline values.
animal, current_month
animal, country_object, new_additive_animals_month,
This function will calculate the change in animal population for a given animal type It will do so by calculating the number of new births, the number of deaths, and the number of animals slaughtered It will then update the animal object with the new population
It will also update the animal object with the number of animals that are pregnant, and the number of animals that are lactating
Some parameters are calulctaed before the 'slaughter event' where the populations change, some are calculated after Those that are calulcated before are: - the new births this month (based on the number of animals that are pregnant) - other deaths this month - the slauhter rate this month - spare slaughter hours this month
Those that are calculated after are: - the number of animals that are lactating - the new population this month - the population of animals that are pregnant for next month
animal, new_pregnant_animals_total
This function will calculate the number of pregnant animals birthing this month, based on the number of pregnant animals remaining Uses a simple calculation of the number of pregnant animals divided by the gestation period This is not a perfect calculation, as it assumes that an even distribution of animals will birth each month However, it is a good approximation for the purposes of this model
animal : AnimalSpecies The animal object for the animal type that you want to calculate the change in population for
The number of pregnant animals remaining this month
The number of pregnant animals birthing this month
animal, new_slaughter_rate
This function will determine how many of the animals who died this month were pregnant Check if the number of pregnant animals set for slaughter is less than the number of animals slaughtered this month If so, proceed to calculate the number of pregnant animals slaughtered Otherwise, set the number of pregnant animals slaughtered to the number of animals slaughtered this month
animal, country_object, new_additive_animals_month, new_other_animal_death,
This function calculates the number of new births this month
animal : object The animal object that is being calculated
from milk animals, not total births (meat and milk))
to meat births from milk animals, not total births (meat and milk))
This function calculates the changes in breeding for the animal type This is only called after the gestation period is over It will update the animal object with the new number of pregnant animals Based on the reduction in breeding
Pregnant slaughter is halted, as breeding changes have taken place from the breeding intervention
animal : object The animal object that is being calculated
animal, country_object, new_births_animals_month, new_other_animal_death,
This function calculates the new slaughter rate based on the spare slaughter hours and the target animal population
animal : object The animal object that is being calculated
The number of spare slaughter hours generated
The target animal population
The new slaughter rate
The number of spare slaughter hours remaining after the new slaughter rate is calculated
animal, country_object
animal, country_object
animal, country_object,
animal, population_starving_post_slaughter_and_healthy_homekill
animal, population_starving_post_slaughter_and_all_homekill
This function calculates the number of animals that die from starvation in a month.
It takes the population of animals that are starving after slaughter and homekill, and calculates the number of animals that die from starvation. In terms of physical relevance - the animals that don't die from starvation are the ones that are able to find enough other food to survive or have fat stores etc. These animals ARE NOT turned in to meat. Those that are turned in to meat are captured in the homekill functions.
animal : Animal The animal object that is being calculated for.
The number of animals that are starving after slaughter and homekill.
float The number of animals that die from starvation in a month.
This function calculates the final population of the animal after all the slaughter and homekill has been done.
animal : Animal The animal object that is being calculated for.
float The final population of the animal.
animal_list, ruminants, available_feed, available_grass
This function will feed the animals It will do so by allocating the grass first to those animals that can eat it, and then allocating the remaining feed to the remaining animals
It will also priotiise the animals that are most efficient at converting feed, This means starting with milk.
List needs to be sorted in the oprder you want the animals to be prioritised for feed
This function will calculate the number of animals that are starving after feeding It iterates through the animal list and calculates the number of animals that are starving result is appended to the animal object
Sets the current population of each animal object This simply sets the current population to the value at the end of the previous month. This value is then updated during the month loop. Runs at the start opf the month before any changes to population are made.
Appends the current population of each animal object to its population list. Runs at the end of the month loop once currrent population has been updated
- animal_objects (type) : description
Read animal population data from CSV file
df_animal_stock_info : pandas dataframe Dataframe containing animal population data
" Read animal nutrition data from CSV file
df_animal_nutrition : pandas dataframe Dataframe containing animal nutrition data
" Read animal nutrition data from CSV file
df_animal_nutrition : pandas dataframe Dataframe containing animal nutrition data
" Read animal nutrition data from CSV file
df_animal_nutrition : pandas dataframe Dataframe containing animal nutrition data
" Read animal nutrition data from CSV file
df_animal_nutrition : pandas dataframe Dataframe containing animal nutrition data
df_animal_stock_info, df_animal_attributes
Create animal objects from dataframes
df_animal_stock_info : pandas dataframe Single dimension Dataframe containing animal population data for each country
Dataframe containing animal nutrition data
List of animal objects
animal_dict, kcals_per_head_meat_dict, df_animal_attributes
animal_list, df_animal_attributes, df_animal_options, scenario,
This function updates the animal objects with the slaughter data
animal_list : list List of animal objects
Dataframe containing animal attibute data
Dataframe containing animal options data
List of animal objects
animal_list, df_animal_attributes
This function updates the animal objects with the slaughter data.
animal_list : list List of animal objects
Dataframe containing animal attibute data
Dataframe containing animal options data
List of animal objects
animal_list, country_object
This function updates the animal objects with the LSU factors
animal_list : list List of animal objects
Object containing country data
List of animal objects
animal, output_path = 'animal_single_data_to_csv.csv'
billion_kcals, months_to_run = 120
Energy is expressed as digestible (DE), metabolizable (ME), or net energy (NE) by considering the loss of energy during digestion and metabolism from gross energy (GE) in the feed, as follows:
Gross energy (GE): the amount of energy in the feed. Digestible energy (DE): the amount of energy in the feed minus the amount of energy lost in the feces. Metabolizable energy (ME): the amount of energy in the feed minus the energy lost in the feces and urine. Net energy (NE): the amount of energy in the feed minus the energy lost in the feces, urine, and in heat production through digestive and metabolic processes, i.e. heat increment.
billion_kcals, months_to_run = 120
Energy is expressed as digestible (DE), metabolizable (ME), or net energy (NE) by considering the loss of energy during digestion and metabolism from gross energy (GE) in the feed, as follows:
Gross energy (GE): the amount of energy in the feed. Digestible energy (DE): the amount of energy in the feed minus the amount of energy lost in the feces. Metabolizable energy (ME): the amount of energy in the feed minus the energy lost in the feces and urine. Net energy (NE): the amount of energy in the feed minus the energy lost in the feces, urine, and in heat production through digestive and metabolic processes, i.e. heat increment.
@author: DMR This function gets the total hours in the relevant size (small, medium, or large) which can be used to slaughter animals of that size
Test the animal population model for the case with full-trade by including worldwide aggregated feed and grass supply.