This class is used to convert units of nutrients
kcals_daily, fat_daily, protein_daily, include_fat, include_protein,
Returns the macronutrients of the food.
This is a bit of a confusing function.
It is normally run from a UnitConversions class in the Food child class
that Food class contains one UnitConversions object which has had its nutrients assigned.
Then, because this is the parent class, all the functions are inherited.
So, running get_conversions() (the class function to get the conversions object in the child food class), this will obtain all the conversion data instantiated through the Food class.
gets the units so that they reflect that of a single month
sets the units so that they reflect that of a single month
gets the units so that they reflect that of a single month
sets the units so that they reflect that of a single month
gets the units so that they reflect that of a list of months
sets the units so that they reflect that of a list of months
update and return the unit values as a 3 element array
kcals_units, fat_units, protein_units
Sets the units of the food (for example, billion_kcals,thousand_tons, dry caloric tons, kcals/person/day, or percent of global food supply). default units are billion kcals, thousand tons fat, thousand tons protein For convenience and as a memory tool, set the units, and make sure that whenever an operation on a different food is used, the units are compatible
Prints the units of the nutrients
Returns if units are all "ratio" type
Returns if units are all "percent" type
kcal_ratio, fat_ratio, protein_ratio
If the existing units are understood by this function, it tries to convert the values and units to kcals per person per day, grams per pseron per day, kcals per person per day. arguments: kcal ratio (float): kcal per kg of the food being converted fat ratio (float): grams per kcal of the food being converted kcal ratio (float): grams per kcal of the food being converted
This function returns a dictionary, where the value is the multiplier on kcals required to convert from the units "billion kcals each month" (or equivalently "billion kcals per month") to whatever unit is specified as the key.
Therefore, multiplying kcals by this dictionary value is applying the unit multiplication: [key units] / [ billion kcals (each,per) month]
First, check if the unit is a known conversion.
Then, returns the conversion value to get from billion kcals, thousand tons fat, thousand tons protein, to whatever units are specified in "units" triplet argument. units[0] is kcals units, units[1] is fat units, units[2] is protein units.
from_units, to_units_kcals, to_units_fat, to_units_protein
To get from any known unit to any other known unit, we first convert the given from_units to the equivalent billion kcals, thousand tons fat, thousand tons protein, by dividing the given value by the unit_multiplier dictionary value. We then convert back to the to_units by multiplying by the to_unit dictionary value.
to_units_kcals, to_units_fat, to_units_protein