interpreted_results, country_name, show_country_figures,
create_pptx_with_all_countries, scenario_loader, figure_save_postfix,
slaughter_title = '', feed_title = '', to_humans_title = ''
consts_for_optimizer_round1, time_consts_round1, interpreter,
feed_and_biofuels_round1, meat_dictionary_zero_feed_biofuels,
title = 'Untitled'
constants_loader, constants_for_params, interpreted_results_round1,
percent_fed_from_model_round1, consts_for_optimizer_round1,
time_consts_round1, interpreter, title = 'Untitled'
constants_loader, constants_for_params, consts_for_optimizer_round1,
consts_for_optimizer_round2, time_consts_round1, time_consts_round2,
interpreted_results_round2, feed_and_biofuels_round1, feed_demand,
biofuels_demand, interpreted_results_round1, meat_dictionary_round2,
each_month_meat_slaughtered, max_consumed_culled_kcals_each_month,
meat_summed_consumption, feed_meat_object_round1, title = 'Untitled'
interpreter, NMONTHS
constants_for_params, time_consts_for_params, scenario_loader,
create_pptx_with_all_countries, show_country_figures, figure_save_postfix,
country_data, save_all_results, country_name, country_iso3, title = 'Untitled'
computes params, Runs the optimizer, extracts data from optimizer, interprets the results, validates the results, and optionally prints an output with people fed.
arguments: constants from the scenario, scenario loader (to print the aspects of the scenario and check no scenario parameter has been set twice or left unset)
returns: the interpreted results
consts_for_optimizer, model, variables, time_consts, interpreter,
percent_fed_from_model, optimization_type, title = 'Untitled'
consts_for_optimizer, time_consts, optimization_type = None,
min_human_food_consumption = None, title = 'Untitled'
Runs the optimizer and returns the model, variables, and constants
scenario_option, iso3
These are the scenarios I seem to be unable to determine why optimization is failing. I belive I have hit diminishing returns trying to figure them out, so I just patch them instead.
scenario_option, country_data = None
time_consts_round1, title, country_data
Saves the outdoor crop production to a csv file
feed_demand, biofuels_demand, title, country_data
Saves the feed and biofuels demand to a csv file
dict1, dict2